Saturday, October 29, 2005

I'm Back!

Okay, so sorry about disappearing there for a while, school has been NUTS! The teachers really decided to crank up the intensity level, and so there hasn't been a whole lot of time for anything other than sleep and studying. Lets see..... updates...... I worked my first shift as part of the Small Animal Treatment Crew. Don't worry, it's not a heavy time commitment type job, they are only 2 hour shifts twice a month. It's cool though, all I have to do is take care of the patients that stay overnight, so mainly give medicines and make sure they're all doing okay. It's nice because it gives me the live animal interaction I need to stay inspired. There is so much to catch up on..... well, I have tons of pictures to post so I'll just update y'all as I post them. :-)

So the Zoo and Wildlife Medicine Club held a wet lab where I got to learn how to handle and do a physical exam on raptors. This was the first time I've handled a bird, so it was kinda silly that I chose the "birds of prey" to learn on. But I conquered my partial fear of birds and realized that they are pretty darn cute.

So, am I starting to look like a vet or what?

Here I am trying to stay calm as I hold this black vulture that wants to kill me.

Here I'm blocking a pig so my friend can practice "snaring" it (to snare it you have to get the rope around its snout and in its mouth behind its canine teeth; quite the challenge).

Aren't the piglets cute?!

Here I'm holding the goat, while my friend Alicia trims its feet.

Some classmates and I in anatomy lab doing palpations, which is a fancy word for feeling different things on the animals.

I have more to post, but I'm getting sleepy, so that's it for now. I miss you all!


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