Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, I have officially survived my first semester of vet school! I finished finals on Monday and I have been busy catching up on sleep and relaxation. It's crazy how fast it went, but I am now 1/8 veterinarian, pretty cool huh?!
My mom and I have had a very nice thanksgiving. We slept in, went to see "Walk the Line", and then cooked some yummy food. Yes, you read correctly, we cooked! Well, just the mashed potatoes and stuffing, we didn't want to get too crazy over here. :-)
I start my selective courses on Monday. My first week I'm taking Equine Lameness, and I get to go to New Jersey and possibly Pennsylvania to some big horse clinics. I'm excited but a little nervous about the freezing weather over there. Luckily, I got an awesome winter coat and some waterproof boots, so I'm all set to conquer the snow. Then the second course I'm taking is Communications back on campus, not quite as exciting, but probably equally important. Then, it'll be time to go home! Wahoo! Alright, time for some pictures......

The first two pictures are from a wet lab I did with the Emergency and Critical Care Club. I got to do a bunch of different procedures on cadavers including inserting a nasal oxygen tube and urinary catheter, thoracocentesis, and a venous cutdown. I even got to practice putting in sutures. Sorry for the big medical terms, just assume what I'm doing is awesome!

Here I'm doing a thoracocentesis, which is taking fluid or air from the chest cavity.

Here I'm using a speculum to help place the urinary catheter.

Some pictures from anatomy lab, studying away......

SCAVMA Halloween party, I'm dressed up as me.

Hanging out at the state fair (Me, Chris, Jennifer, Mandy, and Julie).

International Festival (Arlene, Me, Nikita, Sandy, Arit, and Colleen).

Here's a picture I just got from my birthday. At Kanki with my buds.


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