Friday, September 23, 2005

My Birthday!

First off, I just want to thank everyone for all the wonderful cards, phone calls, and gifts. It was nice to know that I haven't been forgotten over here. I had a great birthday! My friends Nikita, Jennifer, and Chris suprised me over the weekend and took me to an amazing restaurant, Kanki, which is just like Benihanas. After dinner they took me to midnight bowling and when I thought it couldn't get better, they sang and we ate chocolate cake. Awesome friends huh?! I had school on my actual birthday, but it was okay because I still got to celebrate. My friends took me out to lunch, and I went to the Olive Garden with my mom for dinner. Those breadsticks are way too yummy. Overall, fantastic birthday! Pictures to come......

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Dairy Lab

So, last Friday I got to work with the dairy cows. They are huge! And surprisingly cute. We learned how to harness and tie them up for procedures, how to draw blood from the tail, and how to pull them down onto the ground for certain procedures. Check out my super cool farmer outfit, I'll try to get the boots in there next time for the full effect.

I just put the harness on and I'm trying to lift the cow's head in order to tie her against the railing. I had to use my hip to try to lift that enormous thing.

Action shot of me drawing blood from the tail. It was crazy because you stick the needle in perpendicular to the tail and you actually hit the bone. It felt weird but it was awesome!

After wrapping the ropes around the cow, three of us pulled her to the ground.

So my first cow experience went smoothly, but I don't think I'll be switching my focus to cows. They were cute, but I'm all about the dogs and cats. I'm also exploring the world of equine, a.k.a. horses.

Other than that, this week has been crazy; I've been studying non-stop. I had an anatomy practical and exam earlier today, and tomorrow I have a physiology quiz. They keep you on your toes here that's for sure. I'm looking forward to getting some sleep this weekend.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

I survived my first test

So I know everyone said that vet school would be hard, but geez! I had my first test today in physiology and like most tests, it was not a whole lot of fun. Hopefully I did okay on it. Next week I have a quiz, a test, and a practical, just in anatomy! I know, crazy stuff. So I'm gonna get moving on this pelvic limb, but I thought I'd add some more pictures for y'all to look at. :-)

Nikita, Chris, Raleigh (the cute puppy) and I at Regency Park in Cary.

My family (minus Dad) at my White Coat Ceremony. Do I look like a doctor yet? :-D

Monday, September 05, 2005

Tailgating and Football

So, yesterday I went to my first NC State football game and it was quite the experience. The big thing out here is to tailgate before the game, or as I observed to get wasted before you go inside. So I fit in well with all that drinking that I do. ;)
But I actually had a lot of fun. My friend Kate introduced me to a bunch of her friends, and I ate some authentic southern barbecue. So, I also learned that the term barbecue means something different out here. It isn't something you do, but rather a type of food that you eat. So barbecue usually consists of pork, hushpuppies, potatoes, coleslaw, and of course sweet tea, maybe a couple of other things, but if you are gonna grill some burgers and hot dogs, they call that a cookout. Just in case you were wondering. So back to football.... it was great to meet so many people, and everyone was really friendly and very much into the game. I've never seen such school pride before. It was contagious. So, although I was probably the only sober person among the 57,100 people that were there, it was awesome. Unfortunately we lost to Virginia Tech 20-16.

This doesn't totally capture the craziness of tailgating, but it'll give you an idea.......

Check out all that red and white! Go wolfpack!

My friend Kate and I took a pause from cheering.....

Lets see, to update you on what's been happening in the past month....lets just say a whole lot of studying! The amount of work is insane, but I love it. Finally the things we are learning have meaning, and the teachers aren't trying to trick you. Every day when I drive up to school and I see the cows roaming around, I can't help but smile. I can't imagine having gone to any other school. And I love my classmates! Everyone is really amazing, and I'm making some great friends. So outside of the cadavers in anatomy, I do get to play with some live animals. The second week of school I got to work with horses, just basic things, grooming, cleaning and checking the feet, estimating weight, and trotting. But this past week I got to work with goats. I learned how to draw blood, trim feet, estimate age by their teeth, and check their eyes. It was great, although I did get kicked in the face by my goat. :-/ But don't worry, it didn't hurt, it came as more of a shock than anything. It's sort of the big joke now, because supposedly they don't kick, yea that's a lie. I guess it didn't like that needle in its neck. This week I get to work with dairy cows, so that should be awesome as well. Well I guess I should be studying huh. Fine. :)

A tiny chunk of my campus and some super cute cows........

Keeping in touch

So obviously I'm sucking at keeping in touch with everyone, so I thought I'd try out this blog thing, that way you can pretend I'm talking to you through this journal. ;-) Nah, I just thought it might be easier to keep you all informed of all the cool stuff I'm doing over here on the other side of the world. I'll try to do a good job with the updates, but no promises, I've got animals to save....... ;-P