Sunday, January 29, 2006


So, first off, I just wanted to give a long overdue shout out to my amazing family that all pitched in back in 2003 to supply me with a fantastic camera. Without them, there would be no pictures, and thus, no blog. :-)
Well, school is awesome, as usual, classes are long, but still way better than undergraduate classes. Physiology is going much better now that I'm understanding what's going on, and immunology is on its way to being a good class. I'm just anxious to get to the autoimmune diseases already, so it's hard to focus on the basics. I have my first test in immunology on tuesday, so that should be fun.
I had a great weekend. Friday night, we went to Chris' house, and we ate lots of yummy food, and embarrassed ourselves quite a bit playing cranium. Then, yesterday I did a declaw lab, and learned a couple different ways to declaw cats. I won't get into any of the ethics or anything, but learning the procedure was awesome, and I think I'm ready for my first patient. In the afternoon my mom and I saw the musical, Chicago, downtown. It was great! Today was full of studying, had to make up for all that fun I had.
So, I had a new friend move into the house. I'm babysitting Nikita's dog, Payal, for a few weeks, so it's been fun having a cute doggy around. It does make me miss Hades even more though. But Payal is awesome, she is super relaxed, exactly the opposite of what I'm used to. It should be a fun few weeks playing with her.
The search continues for a mexican restaurant with a real carne asada burrito. I think my mom and I have tried just about every restaurant in the area and been unsuccessful. This afternoon we drove to Durham and went to Moe's Southwest Grill, and I would rank that as the closest to a california burrito I've found. It was good. I'll keep you posted if we find something better.
Oh, random piece of information I was told. Apparently, if you hit a deer while driving you're allowed to take it home and eat it! Who does that?! No offense to anyone reading this that does eat it.... sigh, only in the south.

Here's Payal, looking cute in her little bed.

Here's Payal after being in her kennel for the first time while I went to school, and those little yellow pieces, yeah, that used to be her little bed. I'm not putting her in there anymore.

Me removing one of the nails, and Nikita doing an awesome job holding the kitty's paw for me.

Close up of me cutting into the joint.

Back to immunology, bye bye!


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