Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I'm so cold!

Well, I think winter has come. I left for school today, and was surprised to see ice covering my car. The door opened, but the windows were totally blocked. Mom and I stared at the cars wondering what the heck to do. I definitely didn't allow time to defrost ice before school. When I got to school I looked at my friends and said, "So, what's up with the ice on the car?" They just looked at each other and laughed. Silly California Steph was informed that she needs to invest in an ice scraper. I guess I'll just wander around the store until I find something that looks like that.
I've been having a lot of fun since finals ended. Catching up on a whole lot of sleep, television, and gossip magazines, all very educational. Last week I started selectives. New Jersey was awesome. Lucky for me, they were having a warm spell, although I was still freezing. My killer Columbia winter coat got me through the trip, and there was no slipping now that I got me some boots.:-)
I got to work with some amazing doctors, and interacted with famous racehorses worth more than most people's homes. I got to watch a few surgeries to repair leg fractures and remove bone fragments. I also rode around to different farms to do lameness exams. We stood at the racetracks and observed the horses training and identified which limbs were lame. The veterinarian I shadowed did chiropractic and acupuncture work on the horses which was a lot of fun to watch. We also did some nerve blocks to determine which part of the leg required treatment. One night we went to a big racetrack and got to bet on some of the horses. I think we each won once, but even when we lost it was fun. This week I'm taking a communications course. I think I'm learning some really useful information on how to approach clients. We have to do a lot of role-playing which I'm not totally into, I definitely could never be an actress, but I see where it's important. Today, we had actors and actresses come in and act as simulated clients, and we were videotaped during the interview. It was pretty scary. Luckily, no one gets to see the tape but me. I may accidently tape something over it. ;-)
Four days till California! I can't wait! You have no idea how much I miss home. I'm getting teary just thinking about it. Well, I think those are the updates for now. Can't wait to see y'all!

These are Standardbred horses training on the practice track.

Kate and I celebrating our big win! We each won $10.88! Wahoo! Do I look more intelligent with the glasses? :-P

Brett, Kate, Me, Jessica, and Rocky at Meadowlands Racetrack.

Kate and I relaxing in the van. It was about a 7 hour drive from Raleigh to Clarksburg, New Jersey.


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